Overview: Providing 10 pros for adherence to religion, 10 cons of it, and the compromising path to reap the positives and rectify the negatives. A
Category: Spirituality
Overview: Narrowing down the various ‘yeridas hadoros’ misconceptions to the few possibilities of its true meaning, from a rational and empirical perspective with rabbinic texts
Overview: Deconstructing the non-sensical attributes associated with God, such as God being a nice guy or mean guy in Heaven. The absurdity of judging God
Overview: Addressing the million-dollar question from an atheist perspective, the biblical perspective, the religious perspective, and the no-answer answer. This multifaceted question doesn’t have a
Overview: Free Will vs. Pre-determinism. Is Free Will only an apparent power in the human body or is it a real tool? How do we
Overview: The evidence for late Zohar authorship, Moshe DeLeon as the prime candidate, responses to the issues raised, and why it’s all irrelevant to the
Overview: A rational approach to the supernatural elements mentioned in the Talmud, including the “Evil Eye,” the existence of demons, and alleged superstitions, and whether
Prayer is a key role in Jewish ritual. It embodies much of our day; much emphasis is put on it halachicly and it is a
Overview: Our brains and all its reasoning are confined to the limits of nature; so how can it go out of its own box to
Overview: Evaluating the variable motives in serving God after granting that Torah is divinely-inspired. Motives of love, fear, a sacred mission, and the win-win gamble.
Overview: Different approaches to philosophically concluding the existence of God, the implications of these approaches and the characteristics of this God. Monotheism and monolatry.
Overview: How can God, who is infinite and independently complete, actually care about what we do and the trivial details of the Mitzvos we perform.
Overview: The question of corporeality, Maimonides’ principle and the diverging school of thought. Biblical and rabbinic texts depicting a corporeal God, and how to square