Torah & Science


How Many Israelites Really Left Egypt?

Overview: Challenging the literal interpretation of 600,000 leaving Egypt. Giving scriptural-friendly and archaeological-friendly alternatives to the common notion of the mass exodus from Egypt.   What first may appear as...


The Rabbis: Supermen or Fallible Human Beings?

Overview: There’s a common misconception that turns the rabbis into supermen who can never make a mistake in science or Halacha. This article will bring sources and proofs to demonstrate...


What is the Center of the Universe?

Overview: The debate between Heliocentrism vs. Geocentrism and its relation to the apparent religion vs. science debate. How the idea of relativity invalidates the conflict, and why each side takes...


Do We Have Free Will?

Overview: Free Will vs. Pre-determinism. Is Free Will only an apparent power in the human body or is it a real tool? How do we know it exists? What is...


Was the Great Flood Only a Local Flood?

The Local Great Flood theory would suggest that the flood in Noah’s days was indeed historical. However it was a localized flood primarily in the Mesopotamian area that completely wiped...

What Did Moses’ Torah Scroll Look Like

Overview: When he wrote, what he wrote, on what he wrote, what script he used, were there in-between word spaces, and more. This discussion comes with the premise that Moses...


Must Torah be Taken Literally?

Genesis begins with two of the most controversial narratives in history. It starts with a 6-day Creation story and has a universal Great Flood more than a thousand years later...


Is Tanakh a Historically Reliable Document?

Overview: The three overall approaches, the issues with the extremes, the middle-path of embellishment, metaphor, myth and legend. The consequences of errancy in Tanakh for Judaism as a whole. From...